NDIA holds quarterly meeting for further enhancement of the RFO programme
The programme focuses on identifying scheme improvements prior to the government’s response to the NDIS review.
Australian disability insurance authorities have met to develop a work plan for reforms to improve its Reforms for Outcomes co-design program.
In a meeting with the Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCOs) and Independent Advisory Council (IAC), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) agreed to focus on shorter term initiatives that the NDIA can deliver ahead of the NDIS Review and Disability Royal Commission.
Administrative changes include circulating all work plans to RFO program members before the May RFO Quarterly meeting.
Working groups are also directed to identify which broader audiences need to be engaged by the group, to ensure appropriate representation of different disabilities in their proposed reforms.
NDIA representative Corri McKenzie said that the programme’s focus for the next 3 months remains on ensuring the national disability insurance scheme (NDIS) delivers positive outcomes for people with disability.
ALSO READ: NDIS establishes task force for improved registration system
As part of the commitment, the NDIA has provided DRCO and IAC program members access to the ICT system GovTEAMS, enabling online collaboration between members whilst working on documents.
In addition, members are also given visibility of all RFO program working group summaries, work plans and information.
The RFO working group is expected to develop practical reform initiatives over the next three months with the NDIA assisting in identifying actions, processes or improvements that can be delivered in this period.