PIAM supports upcoming vehicle repair requirements for safer roads
The Automotive Engineering Division of JPJ is revising guidelines on vehicle accident repair which take into account the latest advancements in auto tech and repair methods.
The General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) said it supports the incoming Malaysian Standard–Motor Vehicle Aftermarket Smash Repair Requirements (MS). This standard is set to establish new benchmarks for the safe and proper repair of vehicles involved in accidents.
This initiative is a collaborative effort involving key stakeholders in the motor vehicle accident repair ecosystem.
These include the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Malaysia (JPJ), PUSPAKOM Sdn Bhd, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living, the Federation of Automobile Workshop Owners’ Association, the Malaysian Automotive Association, PIAM, the Malaysia Takaful Association, and various repairers, including motor franchise repairers.
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In parallel, the Automotive Engineering Division of JPJ is revising guidelines on vehicle accident repair.
These revised guidelines will align with the Road Transport Act 1987 and take into account the latest advancements in automotive technology and repair methods. The focus of these guidelines includes areas such as kink/bend, chassis and wheel alignment, and body corrosion.
Once implemented, these guidelines will be mandatory for the repair of all private vehicles.
PIAM’s involvement also emphasises a focus on consumer welfare. PIAM is keenly monitoring these and other regulatory developments to understand their implications on the motor vehicle accident repair ecosystem and to determine the best path forward.