Singapore insurance regulators extend COVID-19 coverage to CCF, CRF patients
Patients may claim hospital cash benefits for a maximum of 14 days.
The Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA) and General Insurance Association Singapore (GIA) have extended the coverage of COVID-19 patients admitted to a community care facility (CCF) or a community recovery facility (CRF) for up to 14 days.
This is effective immediately until the closure of the last CCF or CRF in the country.
Patients first admitted to a hospital for COVID-19 before being transferred to a CCF or CRF may claim hospital cash benefits for a maximum of 14 days for their stay in the facility until they are discharged, in addition to the hospital cash benefit payouts they will receive for their stay.
The subsequent stay at a CCF or CRF must be deemed medically necessary.
The extension of daily hospital cash benefit coverage is provided under existing Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), hospital income plans and group insurance. It would apply in addition to the government fully covering treatment costs and isolation of Residents and Long-Term Pass Holders in CCFs and CRFs.
Outpatient telemedicine claims will be covered by IPs and relevant group insurance plans. For IP policies, claims will be covered under IP’s pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation coverage.