Tokio Marine joins Net-Zero Insurance Alliance
They are the first Japanese insurance firm to become a member.
Tokio Marine Holdings has joined the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, an initiative by the United Nations, to support the transition towards the global goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and is promoting measures to combat climate change through both mitigation and adaptation.
The NZIA is an international initiative to promote the transition of insurance underwriting portfolios towards materializing a net zero GHG emissions society by 2050.
Specifically, Tokio Marine will help develop insurance products and services that help achieve the goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.
Through its participation in the NZIA, Tokio Marine will be actively involved in the development of international standards for the insurance industry to achieve the goal of decarbonisation and aims to develop a framework that takes into account the decarbonisation process according to each country's circumstances, including a positive assessment of carbon offsetting technologies and an emphasis on engagement to support companies in their decarbonisation efforts.
Tokio Marine will be the first Japanese insurance firm to join NZIA.