Willis Towers Watson names new Indonesia business head
He will also head the corporate risk and brokerage.
Willis Towers Watson has appointed Kameswara Natakusumah as the new head of its Indonesia business as well as the head of Corporate Risk & Broking, replacing Luke Wares who has recently been named Head of Corporate Risk & Broking in Asia.
Kames will be based in Jakarta. He brings with him over 24 years of experience in the insurance industry. Prior to joining WTW, he was a senior technical advisor to PT Marsh Indonesia. He also spent the last three years in several start-up technology companies in Indonesia, including PT Lifepal Technologies Indonesia and most recently as President Director of PT Kaltimex Mobiol Indonesia, heading its business operation in Indonesia.
Kames had an extensive insurance career having held various leadership positions in companies including PT AXA General Insurance, PT Aon Indonesia, PT Jardine Lloyd Thompson, PT Lippo General Insurance and PT Asuransi Sinar Mas where he first started his career.